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  The Cast Changes  

  Prince: - I want you to use this ship to blow up water or May will stay dead forever.




This is the leader of the planet fire, and he play's one of the main roles in this series.

Prince is bent on destroying the planet fire and will do anything to get what he want's. He even managed to get Zev to fall in love with him. But her love did not last long.

From what I can guess Kai manages to kill him, and the crew thought they saw the last of him. But they where wrong. Princes men managed to bring him back form the dead to continue his work. Each time he dies he is able to change his appearance to look like any one.

On one occasion he made him self look like Zev in order to get the key and use the Lexx to blow up water.

He is a crafty person trying any trick to get what he wants and will kill any one that gets in his way. He also has the power to keep on coming back from the dead when he feels like it.

You could say that he is evil but there are times in which he has helped Zev and Stan, and died in the process. But he has the same gole to blow up planet water.

Over all this person is weird, but he is weird in a way that he knows what he is doing. I don't know if it is the ring hanging out of his nose or that hair stile, not mentioning his cloths he wears.

When this person comes onto the show he does not add humor to it, he seems to be the person that is always serious and with one thing on his mind when he shows up on the screen you can't help but wonder what he is up to next.

But look Stan, at all the bad things you have done.

Made by Shane Ward