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Welcome to the ODF Editor Homepage

Well it was bound to be done sooner or later so I have finally completed the first stage of the New ODF editor.

Mainly built for myself, I have decided to release my program to the public for there use.. I hope you will find this program useful and help you in making ODF files and even hope you use it in the mods you will make for Battlezone 2.

Please Note: - I have done as much as I can to make the program user friendly and also give it as many functions as possible for editing and making ODF files for battlezone 2. This program mainly Edits ODF such as Ships, Buildings, Pods and units. Other functions have not been added yet.

My programming skills are not that of a expert and they are not too good either it has taken me a long time to develop this part of the program and I have tried to make it as user-friendly and error free as possible, if you spot anything please send me a E-mail or click on the ODF Editor Form on the Left hand side menu.

Help documents are also being made for this program, As I am the only one making them, I have to develop them in my spare time and as each one is done, you will be able to download them in PDF format on the Help files screen. You are welcome to produce help documents for my program once you are know how to use the program. I will be happy to add it to my site.

This is the first official release of my ODF Editor.


[Site made by Shane Ward.] {ODF Editor Made By Shane Ward}